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Best Wet Room in Phoenix AZ

Queen of Maids Phoenix House Cleaning Cleaning Service
I'll start by saying the two ladies that came to clean my house did a great job for the most part.
It was almost everything else surrounding this appointment that has lead me to a 1 star review. And the decision to not choose Queen of Maids again.
Booked appointment online. Easy. I choose deep cleaning, with paid extras such as inside oven and fridge etc. Chose date and time.

#1 Received a call to confirm appointment and details of what I needed to be cleaned.

#2 Later that day received an email saying people were on vacation and they needed to reschedule.

#3 Took 17 emails back and forth to pick another day and time that worked for me ( not them)

#4 4 days before appointment, received email appointment reminder

#5 Day before appointment received email cleaning service was tomorrow.

#6 Received phone call that appointment was tomorrow


Ladies arrived 15 mins early. Asked me to show them around. Started their clean upstairs. I stayed downstairs outta their way. 20 mins later I receive a call from Queen of maids from a man ( Not in the house) stating that I should expect the dust to settle, they will dust but it will settle back on surfaces. Also they will not be able to get to all surfaces because we have items (frames, jewelry boxes etc) sitting on them. If we want those cleaned we have to move everything. Also there is a ring around the toilet and they can get that 80-90% clean.
I said ok. But told him it was strange that he was calling and that the ladies weren't telling me this. He told me that is their policy. I told him it felt awkward.
The ladies finished upstairs and started downstairs. I went upstairs. Everything looked great. No ring in toilet ( I didn't notice one to begin with, but maybe it was my boys bathroom) And they dusted everything. No complaints.

10 Minutes later......

The phone rings. The man from Queen of Maids is calling again to tell me that there is to much food in the fridge. Can I go empty it so they can clean inside it? I thought this was nuts. Let me just empty it and get them outta my house. I go empty the fridge. I'm also asked to take the pans outta the oven so that they can clean the oven.
They finish cleaning. I think about not tipping but I end up tipping $30. and they leave.

I paid on top of the deep cleaning service $25 for the inside of the fridge to be cleaned, why the heck am I doing half the work by emptying it? How can it be to much? We have a family of 5. Nothing drops out when you open it but yes the fridge is full. No out dated food, no spills. BUT WHY am I doing part of the work isn't that what I'm paying $277 for? So I don't have to?

And the weirdo calls ...it's just to much. I called Queen of Maids the next day. They had emailed me AND called me to to tell me my next appointment is AUG 10th. No thanks. I explained all of this to them.

They said ok. Sorry if you need us again please call. No thanks.
Phoenix, AZ
Valley Moppin Cleaning Service
They did a wonderful job and were very professional.
Phoenix, AZ