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Best Rodent Proof in Phoenix AZ

The Pigeon Specialist Phoenix AZ - Pigeon Removal Service, Pigeon Control Service,Pigeon Cleanup Services Cleaning Service
I had pigeon proofing, roof cleaning, and solar proofing work done on my roof from these guys in Arizona. I paid over $2,000 for the work and my pigeon problem continues. Their guarentee is a joke, their guarentee is basically if you pay us more money we will try something else, they wont even give you a discount if they have to come back out multiple times to try something new.

The solar proofing job they did made my problem worse. They did not use the correct material and clamps on my panels, they just used flexible mesh folded in on itself. This has caused pigeons to press on the cheap flexible mesh, forming their own beds across my solar panels. The new exterminators I hired said the cheap flexible materials used on my panels is most likely the reason why I still have pigeon problems.

Some of the non solar pigeon proofing work they performed started falling apart a couple months after the work was performed. I believe this is due to low quality materials and not the fault of the techs.

I am currently working with another pigeon exterminator to replace the mesh on my solar panels with the correct materials and clamps. They also replaced some of the deterances that fell apart (The Pigeon Specialist work).

If you end up hiring these guys for solar panel proofing, make sure they use the correct material and clamps.

Friendly techs
Price is fair

Low quality materials
Do not stand by their work
Phoenix, AZ