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The Cleaning Solution Cleaning Service
Just tried to book cleaning service, they didn’t have what I wanted in a reasonable price range which is fine, however the woman I spoke to on the phone was rude and had a very condescending tone.

She was constantly interrupting me while I was asking questions and trying to vocalize the services I wanted and my budget constraints, and then simply said “good luck with that” over and over. As if because I am broke due to CoVid layoffs means I am not worthy of her time on the phone.

Extremely rude, no customer service skills, I would avoid them simply not to have to deal with her.


Increased rating to 3 stars from 1 star, again for customer service not actual cleaning. A manager did call me and “kind of” apologized for her employees behavior, but also made some excuses for her. I understand standing up for ones employees, but do not understand arguing with potential clients.

Hopefully owners can address the situation I’m sure the actual cleaninservices provided.
Phoenix, AZ