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I have no association with, professional experience with, or prior knowledge of this company, but I have followed the recent story (November, 2016) very carefully over the past few days, hoping to see justice done one way or another. It genuinely appears to be a case of the kids involved crying wolf after being caught behaving badly, and using their race as a way to create a false story. I am saddened by this, as it really does a great deal of damage to race relations as a whole. PLEASE read the statement on their FB home page, and reconsider unfairly rating this company. I am very impressed by their statement, and their accountability for the part that their employee had to play in the incident, even if he was unfairly portrayed. I hope the parents of the kids involved use this as a opportunity to have a very frank discussion about how very, very damaging it is to make false statements about racism, and how far backwards it pushes the cause of racial harmony in general.
969 S Nebraska St suite a, Seattle, WA 98108