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Best Interior Finishing in San Francisco CA

GeneralSF Electrician
To: Google

From: David Lundell

Date: March 5, 2021

Re: Expression of Appreciation for General SF and General Contractor Yevgeny Dubinsky

This is to express appreciation for the outstanding level of professionalism, knowledge and skill demonstrated by Yevgeny Dubinsky in performing his duties as a general contractor and developing a relationship with customers that is built on trust, understanding, cooperation, and outstanding service.

I had the opportunity to meet with Yevgeny from General SF, one of the principals of the company, and he was able to inspect my home in San Francisco. The work done by Yevgeny in the inspection process was thorough, customer-service oriented, and knowledgeable with respect to construction and San Francisco city guidelines and regulations.

The first thing that is important is the customer-service orientation that was demonstrated by Yevgeny. He made me feel comfortable and like I was a valued customer from the moment that we met. As he maintained this relationship with me, he was able to go systematically through the home and knowledgably point out anything that needed to be done to improve on the home in certain areas. Throughout this process, he made me feel comfortable, appreciated, and valued as an individual.

The knowledge that he demonstrated was in all areas of general contracting. He was able to discuss with me every specific aspect of electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and any and all other matters related to improvements and construction so as to comply with San Francisco city and county guidelines to put the home in perfect condition. The knowledge was appreciated and gave me a great deal of confidence in going forward with those improvements that were necessary to make sure that the home was satisfactorily taken care of and cared for.

The communication skills demonstrated by Yevgeny were also something that was very impressive. In addition to being able to communicate clearly and precisely on any questions that were asked, he always had a tone that made me feel that my questions were reasonable and that he wanted to be helpful in answering them. That ability to communicate and answer questions exactly on point and then respond only to those things that are asked for is something that I greatly appreciated in his communication skills and style.

Again, I want to thank you for the opportunity of dealing with such an outstanding person as Yevgeny Dubinsky. In over 40 years, I have rarely found anyone with the knowledge, skill, and customer-service orientation that this outstanding individual has as he works for his company, General SF. I would recommend anyone to deal with Yevgeny Dubinsky and General SF as an outstanding general contractor to address and resolve any and all issues that might arise. Thank you again.


David Lundell
3624 Irving St suite a, San Francisco, CA 94122