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Best Flood Damage in Jacksonville FL

Pilot Electrical Construction Company, Inc Electrician
This company is not professional and doesn't know how to get things done on a time frame .... waste of time and money spend it else where
Jacksonville, FL
The Honey Do Service Inc. of Jacksonville - Handyman & Home Improvement Electrician
Driving through Georgia I came across a radio station where they were advertising a 150 dollars of work from the Honey Do Service I called in and paid the fee to receive my certificate of credit. When it came in i promptly called the Honey Do Service and scheduled a time for the estimator to come and give me a price on doors and a few bifold closet doors to be replaced. Estimator was amazing, very professional and had great attention to detail. Just as he was leaving I asked him to add the kitchen pantry to the bid he came back in an measured for the (2 ) 24 inch doors to do so. I shortly received an estimate called a person named Kim and gave the go ahead for the work, again i wanted to make sure that it included all the doors we had spoken about, I was assured it did. They required half down which I paid on the same day again glad to have this at least scheduled. To my dismay they scheduled the work two weeks out because they had to order the doors and hardware. The day of the appointment I got a call from the office and a new person Paige answered the phone said the handyman were running late that they were stuck in traffic. I could understand that after all I live In Jacksonville. The handyman and his wife showed up an hour and a half later with the doors in tow because they were in a long line at Home Depot. First Inconsistency Strike 1. So much for ordering doors and hardware two weeks ago. We went over the plan of what they were going to do and to my dismay they did not have the pantry Bifold doors listed on the work order therefore they had to go back to Home Depot to get another set.
Inconsistency Number 2 I was assured that they were included on the proposal when I spoke to Kim two weeks earlier when scheduling Strike 2
They said they would be done by the end of the day but probably because of the amount of smoke breaks they took it must have slowed them down? The returned the next day and promptly finished. I asked the handy man about the couple of questionable items that really stood out to me. One door was cut so that there was a 1/4 inch gap between the door and the frame at the top you can literally see daylight though the crack, the closet door which was also replaced with new door and hardware functioned fine until you tried to open it and the door knob would stick open not allowing it close you have to manually turn the knob back to make stay shut. Best of all it the bi-fold doors. He put the knobs on the ends so you physically have to use both hands to open them instead of placing them in the center near the place you would pull out to open, probably a matter of preference butt i wish they would have asked where I wanted to knobs. To add insult to this comedy of errors when they sent me the final bill it was 300 dollars more than what i had agreed to and had paid 50% of upfront....and YOU CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP
they didn't even deduct the 150.00 certificate of credit. I called and asked about the bill and again spoke with Paige ( very sweet lady) I told her specifically what I was frustrated about and asked her to explain the breakdown of the new bill the answer was not acceptable and I told her I would be writing this detailed review to warn others. The owner did call me, and made apologies but at this point I just wanted to cut my losses and be done with them. He seems like a decent person. So bottom line...they took me for about 400 dollars more that what they had said in the beginning, I never did receive a breakdown of the charges for labor and materials NOR the credit for the stupid advertising certificate. I think it says it best on the bottom of their Website We are not a General Contractor God forbid they ever get one! I would stay away from these people, typical Bait and Switch. You would think I would learn....
January 22, 2021 Updat
Still no itemized bill, still no refund for the 150 dollars certificate of credit still doors that do not open so not close...totally disgusted with these people time for the better business complaint
13705 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32224