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Best Clearing Clogged in Detroit MI

Plumbing Now Plumber
$2000.00 NO JOKE !

I have just come back from visiting friends. They told me a story about a situation they found themselves in that they were unprepared for and at a total loss as to how to deal with.

They are an older couple who came from the old country many years ago and English is not their first language, meaning they speak with an accent. I really hate to even mention that as I think those who ill treat others because they speak with an accent are despicable.

I mention it only because the owner of this company takes advantage of people who do not have knowledge or experience about plumbing problems and especially those older people, those who’s first language is not English and who are vulnerable in the situation. According to what was done to my friends and other reviews I have read here.

In short, he is not just a plumber, but a con artist, who took advantage of my friends for almost $2000.00 for work that took no more than 30 minutes. Yes you read that right, it is not a typo, $2000.00 !!!

Included in that work was something from his imagination. A way to fix the problem without resorting to “other costly measures”. Something he charged $800.00 for that was never done in the first place, but it was in an area that my friends were not able to see, but were told later that there was nothing done there at all. He used that imaginary work to move on to the more costly measures claiming the $800.00 repair did not work. Of course it did not work, how could it, when it was never done !!??

Please anyone out there who is looking for a plumber,

Don't trust any company that comes to your home or business to do any kind of repairs who does not write you an invoice stating the work done, the parts used, the cost, the date and their signature etc.. and gives you a copy.
That invoice is a record, it can be used as evidence.
It’s proof of the work claimed to be done and a record of what was charged and paid.
This company does not use such invoices, they send you a “virtual” invoice in an email.
Well in the virtual world things can be altered and they can be deleted as well.

My friends and I were wondering if not using proper invoices was even legal in a supposedly legitimate registered business. I don’t believe it is legal as these invoices must be kept for the government for a certain number of years. By making a computer invoice, it means that in reality a person could make 2 invoices.

Since my friends cannot get their hard earned money back and cannot prove the criminal act that was perpetrated on them, I advised them to call Revenue Canada and tell them what happened and urge them to investigate and do an audit on this company. Revenue Canada are happy to get tips from the public about businesses and they don’t hesitate to investigate.

Any plumbing company who answers right away and can come and help you within a couple of hours, it is because they are not busy. Ask yourself why? I will be sure to tell everyone I know about this company .
Detroit, MI