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Best Fractured Pipe in Pittsburgh PA

Krupp Whitney Plumbing Plumber
From the free estimate, to the ease of payment (many plumbers I have worked with don't provide either), to the final sealing of my basement (there was a pipe break under the
cement) Krupp Whitney provided some of the best service and customer service I have EVER experienced. Including communicating with me, my tenants, and my insurance company in a timely and seamless manner.

I have spent years and years as a homeowner & landlord trying desperately to find a plumbing service of this quality. My search is over, and if you are smart, so is yours.

Krupp Whitney hires the right people, from Nathan, to Scott, to Edwin (best of luck on your Master's exam!) and everyone in between. And that's where it all starts.

Shoham Zober, Homeowner, Landlord

24 Ingram Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15205