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Leak Detection of Tennessee Plumber
Regan was very professionals and called and text me to let me know when he could get here he drove over 2 hours one way to help me find the leak on a line 3700 feet from meter to the house would use Regan again if ever needed to he marked the leak with marking paint and called the project manager to let them know what he found on his way home he was concerned about if we got the leak fixed so he would know how it turned out because I was going to get my backhoe and dig it out myself and fix the leak I just didn't know where to dig until he marked the line with one color and and the leak in the line with a different color so I would be able to know where to dig with the least damage to the line

11-03-2021 Sorry it took me so long to get back to you my sister that was going to have the surgery didn't get to have it before she passed and we have been dealing with the funeral so I just got back to it called 811 to mark the utilities and the phone company said they plowed in fiber right where you marked it so when we dug up the line you could see where you marked the leak so we repaired the spot you marked and replaced the PRV and turned on the water at the meter the wheel didn't move at all so you found the leak for me there is no way I would have been able to find the leak in the 3700 foot line without digging it all up so Thank You for saving us the money of replacing the whole line I will be recommending you to all my friends & family if they want to find the leak
Nashville, TN