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Sinclair Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, Inc. Plumber
They were way over priced.

On 07/07/22 Thursday Call Sinclair to have my A/C unit checked for a Freon leak or
leaks tech claims that no Freon leaks were found the first time.

Second time
The day of service or services needed for the second time??.
08/18/22 Thursday.
Receptionist were very unprofessional.
I asked to speak with Justin I guess the HVAC supervisor. .
Gin said that Justin was on another line.
Justin never called me back or Gin never gave Justin the message.
Because Justin never called me back. .
That day 08/18/22
Keep in mind:
They charged me $ 446.41.
The first time .
Which I gladly payed.
Me believing that the their tech stating that no leak or leaks were found.
First tech charge the system with 410a Freon he claims 3lbs.

Their tech claims that no leak or leaks was found.

On that date 07/07/22 Thursday.
I was charged.
$446.41 For a leak that was never repaired nor found .

This was on 07/07/22.. Thursday
Not even a month later the A/C unit stopped cooling my house.

I Call Sinclair back 08/17/22. Wednesday and spoke with Gin about the problem with the A/c unit .
This was the second time .
She put me on a schedule for 08/18/22. Thursday.
No time frame.
To have one of their technicians from Sinclair come and check my A/C unit for a leak or leaks again.

This is the Second time .

Now their charging me over $300.00. Again for the same problem that was never fixed or repaired and not even solved .
Are kidding you me $88.00 for (2) shredder valve .
And over some leak sealant that they claim will stop a Freon leak . And charge me over $300.00 dollars to inject some sort of leak sealant into this system’s Freon lines.
That caused a bigger leak .

That I myself actually had to repair myself over the weekend …

This is very poor service .
And very ungrateful way of doing business .

I am very, very disappointed .

I assure you that I will never use this business again.
I will also assure you that the owner from this business will be hearing from me .

Update to this review
After writing this review I would like to thank ( Justin) the service and supervisor from the HVAC SIDE.
For such a quick response to this matter at the time after speaking with Justin the next day after me writing this report .

I would like to thank him for manning up and stepping up to the plate and handling this matter in a very professional manner .
Justin sat with me in his office and showed his concern for the way I felt and told me that he could see and feel my Frustration.
And took care of the matter in a very professional way.
With no Arguments or dispute .

Again thank ,
Justin .
Lubbock, TX