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Best Slow Flushing in Austin TX

Austin Metro Plumbing Plumber
On Saturday, May 3 we had a nasty plumbing issue. Raw sewage backed up into the lower level of our house through a toilet and shower. Super gross! I start hauling stuff out of the house and using my shop vac, and calling plumbers and septic system companies trying to get someone to come help me ASAP. The first company that I can reach who can send someone is LT Plumbing. Maybe they are called Lake Travis Plumbing too... Anyway the guy comes over pretty quickly. He looks around the mess for two seconds and tells me your septic tank is full and overflowing, and we don't do septic systems. And then he charges me $185 for a trip charge and leaves. Nothing was mentioned on the phone about them not doing septic systems, but whatever...I get back on the phone and start calling more septic system companies. Finally get a realtor friend to talk to someone he knows, and get a crew over there in the early afternoon. These guys open the lid to my septic tank and find that it is not full at all. They find that there is a blockage in the drain line before it gets to the septic system. Just the sort of thing LT Plumbing should be able to easily address. They clear the blockage, charge me $150 and I go about the business of cleaning up the toxic waste.After the weekend is over and the house is cleaned, I call LT Plumbing to explain to them what happened. I sent them the receipt I got from the other septic company that noted it was not a septic system issue at all, just a blocked house drain line. I felt like their guy should have at least checked the septic tank to confirm that it was overflowing, instead of just guessing. I felt like I paid $185 for absolutely nothing. LT Plumbing gave me the runaround for a week, promised to look into, but basically they blew me off. Called again today and was basically told too bad. So they are going to keep the $185 they took from me.I will never call them again, and if anyone asks me I will tell them this story and strongly suggest that they call any other plumber in town besides LT Plumbing. That is no way to run a business, and they should be ashamed of themselves!
Austin, TX