Kenneth Dickson
a year ago
We Remodeled a house project with them. I liked them, but they installed a water mixer on top of the hot water heater that made the tank stack and trip the shut off, so no hot water. Upon calling them, Western stated they don't repair anything related to the hot water heater and had me call a hot water heater repair company. Two months later as this had been going on the, hot water repair company finally figured out that Western had improperly installed the water mixer on top of the tank. The repair company did then fix the issue by removing the part. The repair company then charged me for the work. I told them they should be charging Western Plumbing and you would think that Western would stand behind their installation. After arguing with the owner of Western Plumbing about it he refuse to pay them, stating the county required the mixer even though they knew it would be a problem ( no one told me ) The plumbing contract was well over 35K and the charge for repair was 150.00. As a sub-contractor, business owner myself, I would think they would take care of the bill with out complaint. Not impressed and will let others know my experience,