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Cano Electric, Inc. Electrician
On Feb 11, 2021 at 3:43pm, an electrician from Cano Electric, came to my apartment; because the breaker flips off for no apparent reason. The maintenence men in the apartment complex diagnosed the problem, but where forced to get a licensed professional to do the repairs. The gentleman didn't seem to know what he was supposed to fix; because he asked me what was wrong, and what he needed to do. I simply relayed to him what the three previous maintenence men told me: the breaker box needed to be replaced; because the living room and the first bedroom need to be on two different breakers. Also there was an empty slot in the breaker box which is a potential fire hazard. The maintenence man immediately became defensive saying there was nothing wrong with the breakers, the breaker box or its wiring. I asked him did he want me to plug up an appliance up? I began to vacuum the living room floor and in less than 30 seconds,  the breaker flipped off. He asked us to plug something up in the bedroom. We did,  and the breaker flipped off again. He walked to the bedroom and said the reason the breaker is flipping off is because the heater is using to much electricity. He proceeded to tell us just don't plug it up anymore. We informed him that the closets aren't insulated,  and when open, it feels like a refrigerator inside of the room. As well as the windows being single pane and air seeping in because they aren't properly sealed.  He became aggressive, hostile and extremely rude. Arguing that he isn't replacing anything just don't plug up the heater. I told the electrician if he wouldn't or couldn't fix the problem, that's fine, just leave my home. He grew more upset. Saying I didn't know what I was talking about and neither did the previous maintenence men. I told him there's no need to go back and forward, if he can't or won't fix the problem to simply leave. He then said that I need to be more respectful and appreciative. My roommate asked for
the compainies business card. He claimed the company didn't have any cards. She then asked for his managers name and phone number. He wouldn't give her that information either. Instead he claimed his manager was on his cell phone. At that point I explained the situation to his superior, or so I thought that was who I was talking to. The person seemed concerned. He said he would be right over, and the electrian finally left. His supervisor never came out. Instead, the same electrician came back to my apapartment, with the head maintenance man from The Falls Apartment complex, which I live in.

The eletrician acted professional once he was chaperoned. Again,  we were told not to plug the heater,  but now we were told to use a different plug on a different wall. The electrician swapped out a 15amp breaker with yet another 15amp breaker, and switched out the sockets in the wall. There is still a empty slot in the breaker box that was somehow over looked. If you're a woman, beware. This gentleman didn't leave my apartment until we were forced to get a supervisor involved.

The license plate on his work van was NCJ0288.
7607 Flagstone St, Fort Worth, TX 76118
Jmd & Associates LLC Electrician
Highly professional commercial electricians.
3113 Ramona Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76116