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Best Carpentry in Charlotte NC

Roby Services Electrician
Aaron Noblitt
Call alert when on the road.
Can’t explain how to set and control the thermostat with my phone.
2318 Arty Ave, Charlotte, NC 28208
Ace Handyman Services West Charlotte Electrician
Not going to highly recommend this service. Entire job was a battle to complete. While the electric work was fine and admittedly, the renovation work (outside of the service’s span of control) was delayed by cabinet company delays— the installation of appliances was done incorrectly. Microwave, oven and dishwasher were literally just pushed into their space and not secured at all. Had to have a second person come and do the job correctly (and my contractor had to spend his time assisting as a double wall oven install is not a one man job.). I had to secure the other appliances myself which I had paid this firm to complete. Lighting fixture installations and new outlet installs did turn out very nice. The experience was probably a 6 out of 10 but the interaction with owner (which started out great) left a bad taste in my mouth.
228 Westinghouse Blvd Unit 108, Charlotte, NC 28273