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Best New Solar Panels in Phoenix AZ

Green ID Green Integrated Design HVAC Contractor
I had a great experience with this company. I found out about it at a home show. My house is about 19 years old and had some issues, especially in keeping the upstairs cool in the summer. As an engineer, what I liked about this company was that they came out, took measurements and pictures, and discussed the results with me in detail. After visiting my house, there was a follow-up visit with recommended improvements. Again, I discussed this with the sales rep in detail. There was no hard selling involved. In fact, I did not go with the full set of recommendations, just the set of items that I thought I would get the most benefit from.

Additionally, the fact that APS covers some of the cost via rebates, was helpful in my situation. The company sent out a crew of 4 people that were able to get the work done in one long day. Immediately the following week, my house felt much more uniform in terms of the temperatures. It was also much quieter as well as the AC did not kick on with nearly the frequency it had the week before.

The air conditioners are more quiet when running as well. I am not sure if this is due to more insulation assisting with the noise, or if the improvements to the intake of the units that I made allowed them to breath easier. Both of my units, the upstairs and down, had issues that were causing them to pull in quite a bit of intake directly from my attic (not good). I am looking forward to my first summer in 19 years where I have a good shot at having a home cooling system that will operate as designed.

This service is valuable as most builders really just build to the minimum code requires rather than having an interest in what your electric bill is 6 months after you move in. I would gladly do this in any future home, not only for the savings, but for the comfort factor as well.
1950 E Watkins St #100, Phoenix, AZ 85034