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Best Residential Plumbing Service in Phoenix AZ

911 Heating Cooling & Plumbing HVAC Contractor
I used this company to test and evaluate the air conditioning and heating system in a home I was looking to buy. The results of the test were put on a sheet of paper we’re only numbers were used to evaluate the system, 1 meaning no concern, 2 meaning may need maintenance, 3 Meaning action should be taken. There was minimal airflow on all but 2 air ducts on the house and the answer was 2, it may need to be looked at. It was 115° while this was being done, and if the owner had this done to his house I doubt that it would’ve been a question but to have this looked at and repaired immediately. This was a waste of money as when I called back all they did to correct the issue was change the numbering from 2 to 3 with no further explanation. The seller of the house has no idea how disastrous this is in the middle of summer when he is living in Iowa, this is a horrible way to do inspections. I paid for the comprehensive inspection.

I expected this to be more like the home inspection that showed pictures of what needed to be repaired or looked at, and what the extent of what needed to be done, and perhaps even an estimate on each evaluation from their company since this is their specialty. This was a total waste of my money on this inspection
Phoenix, AZ