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Best Rental Property in Dallas TX

J National Contractors Plumber
Don't believe their free estimates. When they don't have work they will come out. When they have work, they will let you know you are out of your mind to ask for an estimate (would've been ok with you saying you are busy). I totally get that contractors are busy during these times, but when you accuse me of something that is so far from my character, I have to draw the line. The dude pretty much said i'm playing with contractors by asking for an estimate. The contractor said that he is making a lot of money with so many projects (after the winter storm) that he believes me asking him for an estimate is playing with contractors? I'm totally ok with you all never coming out to give me an estimate. No need to work with J National ever! When the work all dries up and some folks are looking for jobs to be done to their homes, I do hope this review will deter them away. That one contractor that called me is narcissistic. I won't name him, but i'm pretty sure most employees that work around him are aware of this as well.
2445 Midway Rd, Carrollton, TX 75006