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Best 24/7 Emergency Available in New York NY

24 Hour Plumber NYC Plumber
Is this still a functioning company? I'm confused. 2 days in a row, I call them, get a timeslot. Two days in a row, 2 hours late, no courtesy call. I call them back. 'We will be right there'. An hour later I call back, annoyed. Again no courtesy call stating they will be late. 'We will be right there'. Another hour passes. No show.

On the first day, they finally showed up, 6 hours late, not one courtesy call. The dude forgot his tools, oops. Seriously? We schedule an appointment for tomorrow between 9am-12pm.

Tomorrow rolls around. 1pm and no show, no courtesy call. 'Is it ok if we come at 4pm?' Me, annoyed as hell. 'Sure'. 4pm, no show and no call. 'We will be right there.' They LITERALLY, NEVER SHOWED UP AND NEVER CALLED, ONE TIME. COMPLETE NO SHOW. Never seen it in my life. Not even a call to state that they will no show. We literally sat around all day waiting, they completely wasted our time.

Why is there not an option for 0 stars? This is the most unprofessional company I have ever dealt with and that is saying A LOT.
New York, NY