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Best Commerical Electrical Services in Oklahoma City OK

J Hicks Electric Electrician
They charge 75$ for an estimate which is completely fine with me. A contractors time is valuable and they should be compensated accordingly, even for just an estimate. I scheduled an appointment with them to come out and give me an estimate for a large amount of work at my personal residence. A few hours before they were supposed to come out, I called their office and spoke with their office manager and asked them if the estimate would be a thorough estimate. What I mean by that is, will they break down the estimate and give me the cost of each part of the job (for example, to install outlets will cost x amount of dollars times total amount of outlets to be installed = x amount of dollars) vs just giving me one big lump sum number for all the work with no breakdown. If I am paying 75$ for an estimate, I want it to be thorough. The office manager was not sure so I asked if I could get an estimate from any previous jobs they have done before (with any personal information removed or redacted) to give me an idea of what their estimates look like. She told me she didn't know how to do that and kept going on and on about how they include pictures with their estimates as if that was sufficient, but that did not answer my question so I asked her to contact an electrician. The electrician contacts me several minutes later and told me they were not going to come out and give me an estimate anymore because I didn't want to pay for an estimate. Which was completely false. I am totally okay with paying for an estimate, I just want to know whether it will be thorough. The electrician didn't even ask me to clarify or anything just told me they were not coming out anymore. I guess the office manager I spoke with told the electrician something different than I what I had said. Miscommunication happens but before doing something rash, maybe try clarifying with the potential customer first.
Oklahoma City, OK